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Интеграция 5-2 [9]

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Главная » Каталог материалов » Интеграция 5-2

Урок 2
http://hvorostjanaya@yandex.ru 05.11.2009, 22:42

Тема : «Continents».
Цели : активизировать употребление лексики предыдущих уроков; развивать умения в диалогической речи; совершенствовать речевые навыки учащихся.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Hello dear children! I am glad to see you. Are you ready to begin our lesson. Let’s start.
Today we’ll speak about our continents, different countries and their capitals.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s remember how to pronounce some of them. Look at the blackboard. Ann will read and you will repeat after her. If Ann is not right, correct her!
На доске написаны слова упр.18, стр. 88.
Thank you, pupils. Now look through the words in the 2 column. What do they mean? ( They are capitals of countries.)
Let’s read them. Work in pairs and read these proper names to each other. If you hear any mistake, correct it.
Упр. 20, стр. 90
III. Речевая разминка.
Look at the blackboard. You can see the map of the world. Could you answer the questions using the map. Read the questions in you textbooks and give the answers. Ex. 20, p. 90
Thank you for the work. We shall continue it after a short break.
IV. Физкульт минутка.
Let’s have a rest.
V. Проверка домашнего задания.
We have remembered the names of different continents, countries , cities, capitals. And now listen to your stories, which you prepared at home. Who wants to speak?
Сильные ученики представляют свои презентации.

Слабые ученики выполняют упр. 26, стр. 97.
Более подготовленные ученики выполняют упр. 22, стр. 96, упр. 23, стр. 96.
We have listened to Vova’s story. Do you like it? Do you agree with everything? Do you have anything to add?
На доске написаны выражения : I think…., As for me.., To my mind.., In my opinion..
VI. Обучение диалогической речи.
Imagine that you are at the international conference. Usually people from different countries and of different nationalities meet at such conferences. It is very important to know how to introduce yourselves at such meetings. Let’s do it together. The example of ex. 24, p. 93 (p.96) will help you.
Дети выбирают себе любое имя и страну и представляются.
-Let’s listen to you.
-Thank you. Imagine that at such conference one of the pupils didn’t introduce himself. What questions mill you ask him? 
P1: What is your name?
P2: Where are you from?
P3: Where do you live?
P4: Are you Russian?
P5: Are you from Japan?
И т.д.
-Very good pupils. Now you know how to introduce yourselves and ask questions about the country the person lives, the language he speaks, his nationality.
-Let’s make and role-play your own dialogues. 
Have you ever thought how many foreign words there are in the English language ? Think what words have come from their countries.
Russia ,Greece, Italy, France, Japan.
Words of the English language with interesting origins:
Karate, cuisine, piano, drama, sputnik, theory, tundra, soprano, chauffeur, origami, synonym, ballerina, balalaika, judo, gateau, perestroika, boutique, bonsai, casino, vendetta, pseudonym, cosmonaut, bandit, bidet.
VIII. Подведение итогов.
VII. Домашнее задание.
Your hometask will be to make your own dialogues.
Your hometask will be to do ex.20 at page 90.
Your hometask will be to prepare the short stories about a country, which you would like to visit.
VIII. Рефлексия.
How do you find our lesson? You may use the expressions : I think…., As for me.., To my mind.., In my opinion..
The lesson was expellant, boring, interesting, not very interesting, useful .

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