МОУ « Гимназия № 5 г. Белгорода». Внеклассное мероприятие « Новогодний праздник » в 1 классе. New Year Party Part 1 Стук в дверь. Pupil 1…………: Who’s at the door? Father Frost…….: It’s me, Father Frost. Pupil 2…………..: Hurray! Father Frost has come! Children………….: Welcome, welcome, Father Frost! Father Frost………: Good morning, children. Good morning, dear parents. A Happy New Year to you all ! Children…………..: A Happy New Year to you , dear Father Frost ! Father Frost……….: Here is a bag full of presents for you. Children……………: Oh! Thank you , Father Frost. ( Song “Father Frost, brings us toys”) Father Frost ………..: But first I must ask you some questions. Do you learn well at school ? Children…………….: Yes, we do. Father Frost………….: Do you listen to your teachers ? Children…………….: Yes, we do. Father Frost………….: Do you love your parents ? Children…………….: Yes, we do. Father Frost………….: Will you show me now what you can do ? Children………………: Yes , of course. Part II ( Song “ Goodbye , little English boys”) Pupil 1…………: Poem “ Where is the ball?” Pupil 2…………: Poem “ We can play”. Pupil 3…………: Poem “ One, two, red and blue.” ( Song “ Twenty in the class “) Pupil 4………….: Poem “ Names”. Pupil 5………..…: Poem “ It’s fun.” Pupil 6…………..: Poem “ We like to play.” ( Song “ Zoom, zoom, my plane”) Pupil 7…………: A happy New Year ! The day is so clear. Pupil 8…………: The snow is so white. The sky is so bright. Pupil 9…………: We shout with all might “ A Happy New Year!” Pupil 10…………: New Year day, happy day. We are all glad and very gay. We all dance and sing and say: “ Welcome, welcome, New Year Day !” Дети водят хоровод вокруг елки и поют песню. Singing, dancing merrily Round the New Year Tree. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Round the New Year Tree. ( Song “ We wish you a Merry Christmas”) Pupil 1…………: Very best wishes for Merry Christmas! Pupil 2…………: A Happy New Year to you all ! Pupil 3…………: We wish you happiness and luck from the bottom of our hearts. Father Frost………: I see you are good children. Here are your presents. A Happy New Year to you all ! Merry Christmas ! Enjoy your party! I must go now. Goodbye. Children…………..: Goodbye, dear Father Frost. Merry Christmas! ( Song “ Red doll”) Составил учитель английского языка : Хворостьяная Н.В. |